• The Effectiveness of Counter top Extractors

    Steve with graph showing humidity recorded over hob

    There are now extractors which are built into counter top hobs where the air is drawn down through the hob instead of the traditional overhead extractor where the air rises up above. So, what do extractors do? They have two jobs: Firstly, they catch all the moisture and grease coming off the food that your… (read more)

  • How to Remove a Neff Slide & Hide Oven Door (and fix it when it goes wrong)

    The door on this oven opens and slides underneath the cooking cavity. After a customer called us struggling with this even after reading the instructions, I thought I’d do try it myself on our showroom oven. It took about five minutes but only once I figured out what I was doing after a 40 minute… (read more)

  • Installing a Steam Room In Your Home

    As you’d expect, steam room installation isn’t exactly a piece of cake, but should you give up on installing a steam room in your home? Imagine coming home after a stressful day and knowing that you can unwind in your private steam room! Yes, the process requires time, money, and effort, but it’s totally worth… (read more)

  • The Importance of Project-Managed Renovation – Everything You Need to Know

    Are you planning to renovate your house anytime soon? If so, you should consider hiring a project manager for home renovation. We all know the hassle of following up on workers, scheduling meetings, and staying within a limited budget. But what if someone can do all of that for you? Project-managed renovation is now an… (read more)

  • What You Need to Consider When Designing a Bathroom


    You’re embarking on a bathroom renovation project, so you’re probably wondering what to consider when designing a bathroom. Of course, you have to factor in the plumbing and many technical details. For that reason, we’ve put together a guide to walk you through the process. Assess Your Bathroom Needs Consider the elements of your bathroom.… (read more)

  • Where to Start When Designing The Perfect Kitchen for Your Property

    Where to Start With Designing a Kitchen When learning how to plan a kitchen layout, these three main steps will help you in designing a kitchen from scratch. 1. Set an Overall Budget After all, the home kitchen design options are reliant on your budget. To illustrate, £60k will give you features that you can’t… (read more)